Sunday 3 July 2011

The Problem with Pride

I am sure this is a topic that is often covered and many people have already said what I am about to say, but I am going to say it my way.

On Saturday my timeline on Twitter was filled with a lot of negativity about Pride London, and mainly by people that werent there. I fully understand people not going. I didnt go. Not because I had an issue with it, but I had made other plans to go to a wedding before I realised, however I would have gone had I not realised.

Most of the people being critical of twitter were annoyed at the overly sexualised nature of Pride and the fact that people seemed to forget that it was about being proud of being gay and celebrating it, standing up for our rights, and raising money for charity.

I admit that Pride is quite sexual, there are the naked and near naked men (and it is mainly men although I dont think this is because our Lesbian friends are margialised as some claim) - but lets be fair we are quite sexual beings and part of our difference is about who we have sex with, so sex is going to be part of the day. And I also think that the day is meant to be part of the celebrations of all the many ways we have sex: dressed in leather, with bears, twinks, sparkles, which ever way we want. It is a hard mix to make work, because just as we all like to pretend we are open and liberal, there are some things we just wont get and seem weird. To me its rubber - I can understand it, I dont like the smell, it just seems overly complicated to deal with - how in god's name do you get into it - and I imagine it to be tight and uncomfortable. But I dont judge those that enjoy it - it's also their day to be proud as much as it is mine. So on this front I think we need to suck it up - we are sexual, it is what ties us - a non-practising gay (or lesbian) in my books is not a gay (or lesbian) - but at the end of the day we all enjoy different things.

Someone else I noticed said that they didnt need a special day to feel proud, they feel proud everyday. Well good for them, but I think they miss the point that it's not so easy or simple for everyone. I had a very supportive family and friends, I have rarely encountered homophobia, and I am obvious enough of a gayer that unless someone is blind and deaf they will realise I am gay and so I dont actually have an issue of having to surprise people with coming out! But even for me it's nice to have a day where I can walk down the street and hold hands with boyfriend and in the centre of town, right where  a man was kicked to death for standing up to bullies. To be clear I am not a person that enjoys Public Displays of Affection and if someone tried to stop me from holding my boyfriends hand if I wanted to then they would have a fight, but I feel like I should have the opportunity, and if this day helps make it the normality then Pride is important just for that. Also though, I think there are others that don't live in Central London, they may not have the supportive family, friends, colleagues, and for one day it is nice for them to be totally surrounded by their community and feel normal, or even boring in the sea of gay faces. Again, this shouldn't be the case, but let's be real, it is, and so don't take it away from them and dont belittle it.

The other comment I saw on my timeline was about Pride being all about young hostile twinks covered in glitter giving such a strong Gay Face you're not sure if they are having a stroke. To be fair, the young pretties with a love for tan in a tube do seem to dominant but then it depends where you go and what you do. The parade is full of all sorts as is the parade route, and the bars just seem to be full of those that normally go there. I dont think you will find many young orange blonde skinny twinky types desperate to get into Comptons but yes you might have to put up with them on the street outside as it is pretty much packed so you stand where you can. Also I might add I always thought I hated these twinks but then my friend Stevo told me about it his outfit for pride... it consisted of a spray tan, an all white outfit, a Venice bejewelled eye-mask and angel wings - hmmm yes angel wings. Angel. Wings. I had to admit I thought "what the fuck?!?" But to be fair he looked the happiest I have ever seen him wearing it. I thought it was more appropriate for him to be supporting Kylie rather than stepping out in public, but to be honest, he is a copper, he has a stressful job where he deals with some real shit all day long, and if he wants to take this one day to wear Angel Wings then fuck it, who am I to worry.

So in conclusion, there is no problem with Pride - people need to either enjoy it or not go. Don't bitch about it and knock it for others - if it's not for you then JUST DON'T GO it ain't that hard.

(ranting post over)

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