Saturday 30 April 2011

Twitter why I love to hate you part1

This is my first blog, and first entry so be gentle with me - it will no doubt turn out to be a rant but that's what I am using this for.

I like most people have good friends to rant at but there are certain rants I want to make public because it seems fair when everyone else is doing it.

I blame my current rant on my friend and colleague @michaelcoeuk - because he introduced me to Twitter. At first I felt I could give or take Twitter, the random thoughts of people including "I am sleepy" and "I am bored" or celebrities shamelessly promoting every small thing they do.

However, after a boring night in (like tonight), I followed a lot more people (300+) and my timeline became a lot more interesting. However I have recently spend untold hours bending @michaelcoeuk ear about all the things I hate about twitter - and justifying to myself why I continue to go on there. So here is my first and major one which I am sure I will come back to:

1. The Attention Seekers
Now I know you're probably thinking it highly ironic that a blogger should have a problem with attention seekers, because I am seeking your attention by blogging, but this is a very certain type of attention seeker. Those that dont actually have an issue or problem, but love to get the attention of followers and have semi bipolar tendancies. I think Americans call it "Histrionic Personality Disorder" - and bascially means the person has a need to be approved either through flirting and praise, or through saying open ended statements that require the audience to investigate further... some favourites includes "I feel exhausted by it all...", "I am sad...", "I need a cuddle" or you get the slightly angrier ones that say things like "I hate it when they let me down", or "I hate you right now" - with no explaination to who it is aimed at.

These open statements beg a response from their followers and drive me insane. Because certain kind hearted souls will always and constantly respond because they want to help or because they enjoy being the hero - either way it's entirely tiresome, because at the end of the conversation it turns out there really isn't a problem. No they havent got cancer, they havent had a death in the family, they havent lost their job, their house, their relationship hasnt ended, etc etc... I know sometimes the smaller things can upsetting, but with these people it is done in such an attention grabbing way. It doesnt even cause me to blink if someone says "shit! ive just left my wallet on the bus!" because it explains the problem and actually makes you feel sorry for the person but an open ended statement makes me cringe.....

Similarly these people will often engage in extensive flirting (which on Twitter is never private) and yet never want to be sexual but keep the use statements or actions that would normally be found in relationships, so there are lots of  "cuddles", "hugs", "slow kisses", "deep snogs" etc etc - but if in conversation the person becomes sexual the attention seeker backs off - and claims innocence and that they are virtually a virgin. They also undoubtly have extensive relationship history which they boldly tell everyone about and which is almost always more tragic than Bridget Jones could ever dream of. And the thing that makes me cringe the most is that if they start a new relationship then be prepared for every moment of it to be lived out live on Twitter - every doubt, every high, every low... the lack of shame is amazing - but they also want people (followers) to slightly dislike the new love interest to reaffirm their importance.

I think that the real reason these people annoy me is that when people try to give these attention seekers good advice it is either boldly ignored, or just given lip service... and that is when you know the person just enjoys the attention and it's time to accept it or click unfollow.

Coming soon...

2. Wannabe Celebs (only famous on Twitter) acting in "Blue Peter" mode
3. People using Twitter as a chat room
4. Hero worshippers

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