Sunday 1 May 2011

Twitter Why I love to hate you Part 2

2. Wannabe Celebs (only famous on Twitter)  acting in "Blue Peter" mode

There are lots of wannabe celebs out there and that is fine, it's a perfectly acceptable life choice to want to be famous. The odd case arises where people seem to want to become famous on Twitter, obviously before I ventured on Twitter I never realised this even existed, you dont hear of "twitter superstar xxx" but once you are on you are bombarded with people asking you to follow them, retweet them, automatic DMs telling you they are grateful for your follow etc etc. Again, I dont have a problem with this, everyone to some degree loves to be loved, and why not on twitter where you can be whatever you want to be - you can be the whitty, charming, funny cad about town flirting with everyone.

My issue is with a very certain type of wannabe celeb on twitter - these are the people that maintain a somewhat Saintly and Whiter than White persona. They dont swear, they dont slag anyone or anything off, they are against everything they should be, they are environmentally friendly, they are pretty much the perfect Blue Peter presenter in the making - they are so wholesome even a Nun would have to look away after a while.... Also as almost everyone I follow is gay - if they are gay - then they are sanitised version of gay - no talk of sex whatsoever - so you can guarantee that talk of fisting and gloryholes is met with shock and horror - even though we all know it goes on - They are the Will Young of Gay.

The problem with this person is it's completely false. I dont pretend to be all-knowing, but in my life I have never met anyone that can keep up a charade of happy clappy 'love the world and everyone in it' persona. Eventually they crumble, and in fact hidden behind the charade is quite a mean little person, who has a lot of prejudices. They will often use barbed comments, or double-edged compliments in public which they can easily defend as "jokes" or "they dint mean it like that" - but their intent is clear, and I wish I could call them out on it more without being vilified by all of Twitter - maybe I am just cynical and I don't trust these people from the outset. I have more respect for someone that openly dislikes something, and is brutal and honest, or defends something that isn't popular.

My problem isn't that these people want to be friends with the world, or that they want to be famous on twitter, or that they try to have continually nice persona's on twitter - my problem is that this persona is a persona  - its not real. Yet they try to maintain it, and they even present it in public - even a Blue Peter presenter swears, probably has their own opinion on things... but these people keep this charade up and maintain they are the nicest people on twitter and in real life - when really I don't think they are the nicest people on their street.

My unfortunate situation is that these persona's are universally well liked on twitter - so you cant challenge them because even those that fashion themselves as the "Mean Girls" of twitter completely love the "Blue Peter Presenters"  because it only highlights how they are totally mean, and they like to swear, and they are the bad'uns. So to be ostracised or to get over it, and just cringe when they write they "love the Royals, want to be besties with Pippa, hate Mugabe, think the Pope is Evil, and will you follow me" ....

Well I still follow them ... so clearly I am weak, but for the record I dont think the Pope is necessarily evil.

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